The Lion King

Hanumant Bhosale

A grass root Lion member of Lions Clubs International District 3231A3. He is a member of the Lions club of Vasai Unique and has held various positions in the club. He was the president of the club for the Lionistic year 2015-16. He has held different positions in the District and serves society in various fields.
He is associated with Manthan group which works for awareness on Plastic Menance. He has Coordinated Rallies and gives talks on Plastic bags menace. He advocates the use of cloth bags instead of plastic bags by leading with example.
He is also working with JNS and Vasai First (An apex body comprising of NGOs) for solving the problems associated with the society. He is also a part of Vasai Beach Cleaners wherein he co-ordinates students for making them socially active in cleaning the beaches of Vasai.
He is closely associated with PHCs of Vasai Taluka. The requirements of PHCs are mapped and the requirements for PHCs are fulfilled by the help from the Lions district 3231A3. He has a close rapport with the society and works for the wellbeing of society.

Journey with Lions Club


Lion Hanumant Bhosale joined Lionism in 2009 by becoming a member of Lions club of Vasai Unique.He has worked at different positions in the club as secretary, Treasurer, membership director.


He rose to president for the Lionistic year 2014-15. It was from this year 100 projects per year started and today it has become the trend for the club.


He has served District 3231A3 as a Zone Chairperson in the year 2015-16 under the leadership of DG MJF Lion Prashant Patil.


He worked as a District Chairperson Health Care in the year 2017-18 under the leadership of DG MJF Lion Deepak Choudhari.


For the Lionistic year 2019-20, he is currently serving as a Club Administrator for his Vasai unique club and working as District Chairperson (Youth Promotion) under the leadership of DG Lion Ajit Jain

Lions Club Events

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Hanumant Bhosale

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.


  • 5272 Lyngate Ct Burke, VA 22015-1688

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